Friday, July 25, 2008

Congrats Card

Another slider card and different Studio G Stamp (also from my ss)

Turtle B-Day Card

This card was so fun to make. It slides by using a garbage sack. How cool is that?! I found the directions on youtube and the ladies name was Dawn. Love her videos. Thanks Dawn, I'm learning so much from you. I will post a link later (as soon as I figure out how!) because I'm sure if you watch one of her videos she will have you wanting to see more. The stamp I used was a Studio G stamp that my AWESOME secret sis gave me (thanks, T). Thanks for looking

Hello Everyone!

I'm so excited!! This is my very first blog. Please bare with me because I'm sure it will change at least a dozen times before I get it like I want. Plus, I haven't figured everything out yet. But I wanted a place that I could share some of the cards I have made and scrapbooking pages that I've worked on. I love to meet new people and make new friends and learn new techniques on stamping, different card shapes, or scrapbooking ideas. So please feel free to leave me comments, advice, or just a simple hello will do.